Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Increasingly Bahraini

As many of you have heard, I am moving to Bahrain for 6 months with Citi. I'm not sure what to expect, but I have had several requests for a blog to document my adventures. (I'll try not to disappoint, but I should disclose the fact that I haven't written in my journal for at least a year and half.) Perhaps I will be like our friend Michael Jackson, who came to Bahrain and liked it so well that he decided to buy a palace because he felt "increasingly Bahraini." Citi would have to give me a pretty significant raise for any palace-buying, but if I do happen to upgrade my residence, you are all invited.


Unknown said...

I'm coming to visit for sure. Huge fan of michael and his work with kids

A said...

so exicted for your blog, kc! i can't wait to read all of your adventures. love and miss you.