Friday, September 5, 2008

Won't you be my neighbor?

This is for those of you who didn't pay attention in geography class. When they first told me about this assignment, I had heard of Bahrain, but I couldn't remember if it was a country or a city. Bahrain is an island nation off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The two countries are connected by a bridge, and I used to be afraid of accidentally getting lost and driving into Saudi, until I found out that they wouldn't let me over the halfway point of the bridge, even if I wanted to go. Now I just have to worry about getting lost in hostile villages.


Jamie Wride said...

I was one of those who didn't pay attention in class so thanks for the quick geography lesson! So glad you started a blog...Quinn and I were at dinner last week and were wondering how you were doing. Can't wait to see more! I just started one too and it's been lots of fun.

Unknown said...

i am challenged. i still cannot locate it on the map. i will try a globe. since there just happens to be one in my living room. i'll let you know how it turns out.